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One Funnel Away Challenge Review:

  When you’re new to ClickFunnels , it’s easy to get overwhelmed. The software can be a little intimidating when you first try it out. And once you’re up and running, you still might be unclear about how exactly to use it to help your business. Do you want to sell your own product or service? Perhaps you want to build funnels for other clients? Or how about just promoting ClickFunnels as an affiliate? And for some people, that’s scary.As you can imagine, there are so many ways you can use ClickFunnels. They want some direction. And that’s why you will frequently see people in the ClickFunnels’ Facebook groups asking around what the best training for ClickFunnels is. But now there’s only one right answer to that question. And the answer is the  One Funnel Away Challenge  (OFA). I’ve purchased the course three times now, and it’s really changed my business. So in this review I’m going to show you everything you’re going to get as part of the challenge and how it’s going to help you. What